
Yes, I still haven’t finished reading the January/February issue of Utne. I was trying to finish it up this morning in the doctor’s waiting room, but was distracted by the TV. But I did get a bit out of it, and would like to share a quote:
“Focus on the moment. Grate a radish, rub your dog’s belly, or simply savor that first glorious sip... and you will understand what novelist Henry Miller meant when he said, ‘The moment one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself.’”
Also, for those of you who care at all about astrology, Mercury Retrograde 2005 will be: March 19 to April 12, July 23 to August 16, and November 14 to December 3. Don’t plan anything too involved during these times, or chaos will ensue. :^)
posted by Jennifer at 3/03/2005 11:59:00 AM
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