
Today, I managed to leave my apartment without my wallet, my ID badge, or my key's to Katherina's house (I'm going straight there after work today to paint). Since I work at a state building, you must have a photo ID to sign in. I scrounged around in my bag and found a "Kid Print" photo ID that Kristine made for me at the Police Station as a joke once. In the photo, I'm eating a lollipop. The security guard fortunately accepted it, so I got in. Later, I was joking with the IT fellow Darrell about it, and he was so kind as to surprise me by printing me a new ID badge. So, now I at least have somewhat of an identity today. At least I didn't forget my house keys. Or my shoes. Or something vital.
posted by Jennifer at 2/24/2005 01:57:00 PM
Oh, jump-starting your car does suck. I've been there and done that MANY times. To build my good karma back up, I try to help anyone else when they need a boost.
2/25/2005 09:25:00 AMAnd I've just about heard enough Subaru praises from Mr. My-Car-Is-Better-Than-Yours. :^P
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