Jennifer blogs. Randomness ensues.
Selection from First Meetings in Ender's Universe:
"Even people who think they don't want to reproduce still make most of their decisions as if they were active reproducers."
There is great power in faith, even if that faith is based on an idea with no foundation in truth.
I discovered aurgasm.us from Darrell, who discovered it from Lars, who discovered it from who-knows-where. You discovered it from me.
It is a song, the Sumerian "Hymn to Creation," dated before 800 B.C., which is the oldest notated music extant.
Getting cards in the mail makes me happy.
Sometimes, my heart swells with so much love, I fear it could burst. Other times, it shrinks until I fear I will misplace it.
Osiris played in the toilet this morning.
The end (for now).Labels: literary, observations
posted by Jennifer at 12/08/2007 01:13:00 PM
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