
I want to scream right now. Yes, right this very second. And it wouldn't be one of those pansy little half-hearted screams; it would be a full-out Battle Cry. But anyone who has ever met me knows I would never let out a full-out Battle Cry or even a little pansy scream. But there are oh-so many of them penned up inside me that they just might explode out of me one day.
posted by Jennifer at 5/09/2005 01:29:00 PM
Might these be like a He-Man "I have the power!" screams?
5/09/2005 02:16:00 PMThose always impressed me, although I still wonder why he walked around in fur bikini briefs. Hell, even when he wasn't He-Man he wore white tights.
Now I'm disturbing myself knowing that I watched that cartoon so much as a child.
I think He-Man brings out the gay in all of us.
5/09/2005 11:45:00 PMPfft...Naysayers.
5/10/2005 01:07:00 AMHe-Man friggin' ROCKS/ROCKED.
I say let 'er rip lady... let 'er rip.
5/10/2005 06:43:00 AMAs a side note, I'm truly honoured to be #1 on your list. I know Michael is actually #1, but he's permanently at that spot, so I'm effectively #1. Way cool.
Maybe I should take a cue from the homeless guy on the sidewalk this morning who came up to me and yelled, "SUCK MY DICK, McNAIR!!!" I'm not sure if he thought I was Steve McNair from the Tennessee Titans? Or, if he was just making a general statement to the world, and he just happened to be about a foot from my left ear whilst making this proclamation.
5/10/2005 07:31:00 AMThis means that I’m effectively #11. I have my work cut out for me.
5/10/2005 11:48:00 AMAs your eternal creator and maker of all things good, bad and ugly. I say unto thee:
5/10/2005 12:00:00 PMScream.
Let it out, dear Jennifer. Refusing to release the pressure within thine self is dangerous.
God out.
And you've got one hell of a beard, Kraken.
5/10/2005 01:44:00 PMIt's almost as nice as Mine.
- G
LOL! You people are funny. I see I moved up a bit! Flattered ;)
5/10/2005 11:13:00 PMYou need a MOSHPIT, my dear.
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