
Okay folks, brace yourselves. In the spirit of The Boutros, I now have my very own Hot Bloggers List. What is more, I took Abnormal's idea of making it go to 11 a la Spinal Tap. It's posted on the sidebar to the right. (You'll probably have to scroll down a bit.)
To give a little insight on this first posting of The List, here's a small peek into the thoughts behind a few of my initial choices:
Michael - my wonderful, dashing, charming, affectionate, sexy hunka-hunka burnin' Polish love
Bryan & Christa - these two are listed together, because together they are, quite honestly, the hottest couple in Blog Town
A.K.A. - I can just imagine the British accent that accompanies his keen writing, and British accents are HOT.
Penny - don't get me wrong, I'm no lesbian... but if I was to become one, I would be lusting after Penny.
Tickles_Tapeworm - funny, sarcastic, abrasive... but he'll soon fall off The List if he doesn't update his friggin' weblog.
The remainder of my choices and reasoning will remain a mystery. Gotta leave a little to the imagination, right?
posted by Jennifer at 4/13/2005 08:13:00 PM
I thought the whole "11" list thing was over with :)
4/13/2005 10:37:00 PMAt least it wasn't me.
Thanks :)
You've managed to make a cynical bastard like me blush...
4/14/2005 03:37:00 AMThank you.
No.4 - woo hoo!!! Not a bad start considering I can be a bit of an ass.
4/14/2005 06:50:00 AMA lot of women on your list though; you might want to check into that lesbian thing again. Kraken, you should definitely have her check into it.
So what's a Tapeworm gotta do to be number 2 around here? Or at least 1 spot higher than Boutro...
4/14/2005 09:08:00 PMI just swung on by and here I am, in your hot list! Very Surprising and Very Flattering! And, your lesbian comment.. very sweet! :) Must run and read some of you, now. Thanks for including me. I feel very honored. ;)
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