
This day has gone awry. Terribly awry.
First, my alarm didn't go off. I woke up on my own at 8:30 a.m. (amazing!), and figured, "I'm going to be late, but it could be much worse. It's only 8:30 a.m."
I made it to work by 9:30 a.m. Upon my arrival, I was greeted with more work than it would be humanly possible to do in one day. I sloughed through it.
I took a lunch hour with the Taco Tuesday crew. It was the highlight of my day.
At 1:30 p.m., I was back in the office, stomach bulging (yes, bulging) over my belt. I felt like a fat cow.
I stayed at work till 6:15 p.m. Whence leaving work, the shuttle that takes me to my car (parked approximately 1 mile away) was just rounding the corner, heading away from me. Yep. Just missed it. It was either wait 15 more minutes for another or walk it. I walked it. It sucked.
Upon arriving home, I decided to hop online and pop a veggie burger in the toaster oven. 1 hour later, I started to feel hungry and noticed a certain burning aroma wafting through the air. I HATE it when I pop food in the oven and forget about it.
So, now, I've got another pattie in the toaster oven, and I should go eat it before it too is burned to a crisp.
*sigh* ::head above water, head above water::
posted by Jennifer at 4/12/2005 06:02:00 PM
Not to sound insensitive, but where's your list?
4/12/2005 06:45:00 PMI truly hope your day goes better tomorrow. Get Kraken to give you a massage tonight.
Yeah, yeah, Mr. Sensitive. AND I FELL a point today on your stinkin' list. Where's my list... the nerve... ::grumble, grumble::
4/12/2005 07:32:00 PMI WAS just joking - sarcasm didn't come through as I hoped. That's why I also wrote a genuine "hope your day goes better tomorrow".
4/13/2005 08:19:00 AMLots of people having shitty days lately. Maybe it's a bug going around.
Here's hoping it's all sunshine and roses for a while.
So sorry to snap. It was a sarcastic snap, though. :^) There's no sunshine or roses today... just more work ahead of me. *sigh*
4/13/2005 10:30:00 AMI fell asleep at work the other day with my hands on the keyboard. When I finally woke up, there was some odd error message I had never seen before, and half my keys were acting like shift was stuck. Luckily, at that very moment, the computer dick was walking behind me and didnt ignore me when i called for him. He did some weird 3 finger keyboard trick and reset it.
4/13/2005 10:48:00 PMLater, I fell asleep again with my hands on the keys, while pressing a button that adds. It goes in increments of .125. When I started it, it was at zero, when I came to, it was at like 56.250.
I need more rest.
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