
Michael, Kevin, Bristow, Stephanie, Josh, and I went to see Guitar Wolf at Exit/In Thursday night. It was a crazy, crazy night. To cover the highlights of the evening:
• Electric Eel Shock (the second opening act) rocked. I enjoyed them much more than Guitar Wolf.
• The EES lead singer had a 'fro. You really can't go wrong with a Japanese 'fro.
• The EES drummer - pictured above - wore nothing but gloves and a sock. I'm not sure how the sock stayed on. It must have been some sort of black magic. Or divine intervention. I'm not sure which. All I know is that it ROCKED.
I won't cover the lowlights of the evening, which included Stephanie falling down and getting injured by inconsiderate asshole punk people and me being humped in the crowd by some strange pervert during Guitar Wolf's second song. The highlights made it all worthwhile, though. I mean, seriously... who can have a bad night after Electric Eel Shock's heavy metal party?
In other news, my dog died Wednesday. It saddens me, but it was her time to go. She lived a very long and happy life. I will miss her, though. :^(
And in other other news, my holiday - March 25th - was yesterday. I sent cards this year, but no gifts, but I hope everyone had a wonderful day anyway. :^)
posted by Jennifer at 3/26/2005 08:53:00 AM
So I'm guessing mine got lost in the mail?
3/28/2005 12:40:00 PMThe sock stays on by securing the opening around the um... sack. Assuming there's any elastic to the sock at all it will hang in there (hehe) assuming minimal walking (good thing he's a drummer).
3/29/2005 07:53:00 AMPlease, do not ask me how I know this.
Tickles, I don't know your address, silly. You can't just mail a card made out to Tickles_Tapeworm, Seattle, WA. Though, my friend who works for the Post Office says people attempt such things often. Goofy people.
3/30/2005 03:10:00 PMBoutros, thank you for the sock physics. Now, I'm going to make Michael attempt this to see if it really works. :^)
Maybe if I had an internet connection, you could have sent me an e-card...
3/31/2005 02:08:00 PMwait a minute...
I take it Briley here has a problem with the sock...
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