
Yeah, right. Everyone's been so eagerly anticipating my Xmas list, I'm sure. Well, I know a couple people who have been, at least. So here it goes in no particular order:
• Socks, socks, and more socks (I just can't get enough!)
• Music
… Bjork anything, but I already have Vespertine, Debut, and the Dancer in the Dark soundtrack
… Portishead anything
… Nora Jones anything
… Ben Folds anything
… Pedro the Lion anything, but specifically Control
… Imaginary Baseball League Revive
• Soft throw pillows are always nice (that match O'Malley's hair)
• A new papasan khaki courderoy pillow (but I've already asked my parents for this)
• A paper shredder
• I'm a sucker for anything with cats, snakes, or turtles on it
• I'm also a sucker for chocolate.
• Sci-fi books are nice. I have a ton of Asimov, Bradbury, and Clarke already, though, so check with Michael about which I have or have not collected already, if you'd like to go this route. Or, introduce me to a new author. :^)
• Anything soft, shiny, snuggly, or pretty - I'm so easy to please
Some ideas for things to get Michael:
• Belvedere vodka
• Anything James Bond (besides the movies, because he already has all of those)
• Anything Star Wars, but he has a ton already, so check with me first
• Movies (again, check with me)
• Monkeys - live, stuffed, molded, any kind
• Macadamia nuts
That's all I can think of for now.
posted by Jennifer at 12/11/2004 08:54:00 AM
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