
Brace yourself. This one's going to be a biggie. I haven't posted in a while, and I went on a weekend trip, so I've got quite a bit stored up to fill you in on. I'll categorize, so you can skip to those parts that will most interest you, if you'd like:
My friends Katherina and Michael got married Friday evening. I was very honored to be their official witness, plus a bit of the photographer role. I wish them longevity and prosperity together, and I know that happiness will abound.
This weekend, I went to Chattanooga with our friend Jack. Yesterday, Jack, Mother, and I went on an excursion to Signal Point (across the river from my parents' house), and we frolicked on the trails. Mother even frolicked a bit with us, and I was impressed. I was also impressed with Jack jumping across a 4-foot chasm between two large boulders. I snapped a photo, and will share later. That evening, Jack, Father, Uncle Eddie, Aunt Wilma, and I went up and camped in my parents' woods. It was a beautiful day and a beautiful night. I don't think we could have picked a better night for it. The temperature was slightly chilly (in the lower 30s), but I was so bundled, I didn't notice. I was very impressed with our fire pit, and with myself for peeing in the woods. Yes, folks, I finally peed in the woods. Now, I can move on to something else on my to-do-in-life list. ha! Today, we had an excellent dinner at my Me-maw's house, where my Southern accent shone like a sore thumb. Jack reminded me before he left that I needed to clear that out before I got home to Michael. hehe. My Southern accent doesn't come out often, but when it does, Michael gets very scared indeed. All in all, it was a great weekend excursion. I wish Michael could've been there to eat marshmallows and pee in the woods too. He missed a good time.
I've come to the decision that I'm letting my hair grow out at least to shoulder length again. I promise to avoid slipping into "bun mode" like the plague, so I'm going to try shoulder length and see if I can handle not pulling it back all the time. If I can, I think I'll let it grow long again. I'm just so thrifty, and my hair grows so fast, my hairdresser must be getting rich off me.
I missed my kitties this weekend. They look huge compared to my parents' little 4-month-old kitten, Leo. I keep looking at them and thinking, "one day, Leo will be this size," but it's very hard to believe that now. I think he will be a huge cat, though. He's got giant paws, and he's big for his age. I wish he could stay little and rambunctious longer. He's just so cute.
Apparently, we're having people over tonight. I just got home, and Michael's not here (he normally gets home at 3:00 p.m. CST on Sundays). There was no message on the machine or elsewhere, so I went online to check email to see if he'd written me an email note. No email note. So, I checked his weblog, and we're having people over. I should go charge the camera - I ran the battery down this weekend - and clean up around the apartment a bit.
posted by Jennifer at 12/05/2004 07:36:00 PM
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