
It's been a long weekend. I was actually off work yesterday, and I ended up painting the town red with Michael. Okay, so we didn't quite paint it red. We just went shopping and such. Today, I went to the Comic Book / Horror Film convention to see the Shop at Home crew's entry win the film-making competition, and then I worked.
I've never been to a Comic Book / Horror Film convention before. Stephanie and I were accosted by Sgt. Kabukiman and the Toxic Avenger. I was scared. But, at least I wasn't hit on by the lady from Tron.
I'm really tired, and I have a headache from the Mexican costume birthday party that I worked tonight. (yeah, yeah.. here I go with the whining..) I have to suck it up, though, because it is now Karaoke Time!
Between the convention and the party, I think I've enough costumes to last me till next Halloween.
posted by Jennifer at 10/10/2004 08:36:00 PM
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