
October is almost over, and I haven't sewn a thing. Under normal circumstances, I would be extremely disappointed in myself, but considering that this month and last have been insane (literally, I am doubting my sanity), I think I have done well to have scraped by with getting the necessities taken care of.
Given this, November's resolution came to me today like a car driving out of the fog:
slow down
It is the only thing that makes sense right now. I can't keep pushing myself just a little further if I can't even keep up with day-to-day life. So, the first thing to do is stop it with the resolutions, take a deep breath, let my head clear, and go from there.
Wish me luck. This might be the hardest one yet.Labels: resolutions
posted by Jennifer at 10/30/2011 03:03:00 PM
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