I thought this was silly, so I'm sharing. Bask in the silliness. (Though I would make a mighty sultry librarian, even if I do say so myself.) ::peers over glasses::
Which Elvgren Pin-Up Girl Are You
Hold Everything!You're a little quirky, a little different, and you're confident that anyone who has a problem with that will probably be flipping hamburgers while you're running your own multi-national conglomeration.
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posted by Jennifer at 11/06/2006 01:40:00 PM
11/08/2006 12:10:00 AMYou like boys a lot, don't you? I would tell you to chill, but with someone as far gone as you, I'm sure it's pointless. If you got it, flaunt it!
I don't 'got it'.. playtex push up bra has it and my hard earned money.
Fast Lass
11/08/2006 10:14:00 AMLook at you, you All-American Girl! Girls want to be you and boys want to date you. You're slightly competitive, but always a winner.
Funny! You gals are silly. :^)
11/08/2006 02:14:00 PM<< Home