
More kitten pictures from the Thanksgiving holiday. (Family pictures will be posted eventually.)
*** 11/28 update ***
I was planning on posting Thanksgiving pictures here, but my dad accidentally left them off the CD he burned for me. I do, however have several .wmv files on said CD, but I can't view them on the Mac. So, I've got nothin.' Unless, of course, you'd like me to post these mystery movie clips online, so you could watch them...?Labels: pets, photos
posted by Jennifer at 11/26/2005 08:56:00 PM
Do any of said WMVs feature you wielding an improvised light sabre, miming along to Moldovan pop music or downing a pitcher of beer in ten seconds?
11/30/2005 07:38:00 AMIf so, I'm in.
ha! No, none of that. Well, unless there's some hidden cameras around that I don't know about...
12/01/2005 07:38:00 AM::looks around suspiciously::
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