
Last night, a question of grammar occured to me... Which is correct: "I wish I was" or "I wish I were" (a la the Oscar Mayer wiener song).
So, I asked Michael, my happy hubby / resident grammar snob. He said it was "was" instead of "were." Seeing as how I am never able to accept only one opinion as a definitive answer, I decided to google it today.
The answer? Both are correct. "Were" is more formal, but "was" is perfectly acceptable in casual conversation.
More info here or here for geeks like me.Labels: general
posted by Jennifer at 8/24/2005 11:38:00 AM
I don't know what you're talking about, you silly person, you.
8/25/2005 07:22:00 AMFor a non native speaker like me that's good to know actually. I always wondered about the was/were problem and I'm particularly pleased when I find out that native speakers wonder about the same things I do.
8/26/2005 12:47:00 PM<< Home