Things that slowly errode my sanity:
• Men who wear shoes with soles that make tappy noises on a tile floor
• June bugs. They fly around aimlessly and serve no purpose in life. Plus, they just plain freak me out.
• Someone choosing the stall right next to me in a public restroom when there are many other stalls to choose from that are not right next to the one I'm occupying
• People who answer "yes" or "no" to a question that is not a yes-or-no question (ie: Would you like this to be red? Or purple?)
• People who use the word "pop" in reference to a graphic design project (ie: Could you make this headline pop more?), when they really just want you to make it bigger, bolder, and redLabels: whining
posted by Jennifer at 7/27/2005 08:13:00 PM
SuperP. said...
Post a CommentI hate tappy mens shoes!
7/27/2005 09:21:00 PMTickles_Tapeworm said...
What's a June Bug?
7/27/2005 10:13:00 PMJennifer said...
Click here to find out what the heck a June Bug is.
7/28/2005 07:19:00 AMTickles_Tapeworm said...
I can see why you don't like those things. Ewwwww...
7/28/2005 07:01:00 PMJennifer said...
Yes, June Bugs especially suck because they will fly right into you... and that's not pleasant. They're big, and they kind of hurt.
7/28/2005 08:04:00 PMTickles_Tapeworm said...
I would totally freak out.
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