
I haven't written much lately. I've been feeling a touch exposed here lately, but I have to stop and realize that this is the internet, and truly any Joe (or Jane) Schmoe can freely read whatever they please. I know this. Somehow, I allowed myself the illusion of privacy for a moment there, though. It's pretty easy sometimes. Just pull down the blinds, ignore the StatCounter, and vent your little heart out. And that's exactly what I intend to do now. Except that my words will be veiled in slightly thicker blinds.
Moving along.
It's done. I'm done. We're done. (Insert sigh of relief here.)
It was a long day. I am grateful to those who chose to help me through this day ("sign here," "oops forgot to put a date here," "it'll be okay," "this is what you need to fill out"). It's funny how no one's been helpful till the day it all actually matters. So much for saving face. At least it's done. That's all that is important to me right now.
It's a mixture of frustration, anger, sadness, embarrassment, and relief that is washing out of my eyes right now.
Soon, it will all distill into something I can make sense of, sort out, and file away as a memory.Labels: stories
posted by Jennifer at 8/16/2006 08:51:00 AM
Thanks, DJS. It helps to know someone out there can identify with the simultaneous sadness and relief.
8/24/2006 08:33:00 AMI am definitely glad to be where I am now, and I am glad your situation worked out for the best, too.
Of course, it didn't help that when I wrote him to tell him about the divorce being final, the response I got was (and I quote), "Well, uh, it was good being with you. You know, until all the shit happened."
I have to laugh at your ex's response. It's about as honest and kind as a hurt/confused man can be.
8/24/2006 01:47:00 PMI am happy for you, Jennifer. I am happy that you are free to move forward and be who you want to be, with who you want to be, where you want to be.
You will be fantastic.
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