Thursday, April 06, 2006

all the nobody people

Today, I couldn't go outside. I looked outside. I went outside in the back of the house. Then, I went back inside, closed the back door, and went to go check the mail out the front door. I opened the front door, and saw two things I fear: a wasp on the porch rail and people across the street. I couldn't go outside.

Now, I suppose maybe I could go out the back door and walk around to the front. But I'm not sure, and I'm afraid to try.

This is not a good thing.

I'm not sure what to do about it. It would probably help if I didn't have any option other than going outside... if there was something that had to be done right then. If I had to be at work or to meet someone. Then, it'd be different. But as long as I have the option, I'm not going out there.

I have a feeling I'll be spending most of my solitary outdoor time on the back patio this Summer...


posted by Jennifer at 4/06/2006 12:16:00 PM

Blogger SuperP. said...

"Now, I suppose maybe I could go out the back door and walk around to the front. But I'm not sure, and I'm afraid to try."

You've made bigger strides than this, lately.. give yourself some time.

It's good to read you. And, the pictures look cozy.

4/06/2006 11:00:00 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Outdoors is overrated.

4/07/2006 09:12:00 AM  

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