
We've been painting at the cabin in Pennsylvania today, and boy, am I pooped. I think I'm going to have bruises from leaning against the ladder all day. Whose bright idea was it to do a wall with stripes on it? Oh, wait. That was my idea. I should be shot for that one.
But all is well, and that is the important part. Such is life.
posted by Jennifer at 5/28/2005 07:59:00 PM
at least you didn't paint yourself into a corner.
5/29/2005 01:24:00 AMok, so I admit I'm not selection H. but here's the deal. if you guess correctly on your next try, I shall recreate that delightful pose and photograph it. i have a shirt that's quite similar. it's even easier now, at least 3 choices have been disqualified...
Welcome to The Peoples' Republic of Pennsylvania, where Ed Rendell is dictator and potholes grace every mile of the interstate!
5/29/2005 04:43:00 PMIn what part of the keystone state is your cabin?
lets see.... stripes? .. make sure you post a picture!
5/30/2005 03:15:00 PMOkay, okay... simmer down, people. I'll post pictures soon. :^)
6/01/2005 08:00:00 PMAs if it's that important, really.
I was just about to leave you a comment telling you to post a picture, but it looks like you're getting enough heat on that one already, LOL.
6/01/2005 09:11:00 PM<< Home