
After fasting yesterday, I'm feeling much better. I have talked to the lady that took Wink again a couple of times, and I trust her a little more. I still don't believe that she took him to the vet like she said she did, though. I'm going to go visit Wink and his buddy (she named him "Peekaboo") next week. If he looks to be in bad health, he's coming home with me. No one can stand in my way.
On a positive note, another kitten went to a new home last night. I am 100% certain that she will be in good hands. If only everyone could be like this person!
There is one very lonesome kitty left on my patio awaiting a home. He's very cute, and he wants a home. I wish someone would hurry up and take him, because his lonely little meowing makes me sad. I couldn't sleep well last night, so I woke up and played with him around 3:30 a.m. He purred for me. I feel so special.
I am going to Chattanooga to see my friends Brianne and Josh tonight and to see my family Saturday and Sunday. A tree fell on my parents' house because of Hurricane Ivan, so I may be helping to remove the tree. I would post a picture of it on here, but I don't know how to.
posted by Jennifer at 9/17/2004 12:16:00 PM
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