
Picture me flying by in the tornado outside Dorothy's window. Cow... tree... chicken... ME... corn... witch...
Yeah. I've been caught in somewhat of a tornado. But, as the song goes, the storm is passing over, and the dust is settling back down. Literally. Damn. We've only been here 3 weeks, and I already need to dust and vacuum and...
Try out the new tub. Yes. That's my priority tonight.
Work's been a little rough on me lately, but it's calming down, too. I've tried to weather the storm with grace. I hope I've succeeded.
The cats love the new place. I appoint one of them to "hold the fort down" as I leave every day, and they've been doing a fine job of keeping the place in order.
Darrell and I have been moving and organizing our tailfeathers off lately, but that should settlle as we wrap up The Move.
Did I mention I'm trying out the new tub tonight?
I am.
Right now.
Here I go.
*** UPDATE ***
Turned on "H" knob. Water was lukewarm at best. Was hopeful still. Tried "C" knob for a couple seconds. Water got colder. Went back to "H" knob. Tried sitting in cold water. Unable to sit in cold water. Got out. Tried "C" knob again for good measure. Received hot water. A victory, at last.
Went to fridge for JAGO's. Found no JAGO's. Looked again. Saw none. Went back upstairs and then back downstairs for a fresh perspective. Found no JAGO's still. Wrote to Darrell to see if he had any ideas.
Got into tub (again). Basked in hot water and tub goodness. Decided that the bubbly water jets would be nice. Tapped touch-button for bubbly goodness. Received no bubbly goodness.
Got out of tub fulfilled, yet slightly disappointed at no bubbles and no liquor. Saw response from Darrell that JAGO's was in fridge door. Found it. Am drinking it.
The end.Labels: house, pets
posted by Jennifer at 8/16/2007 05:25:00 PM
That was a good story. I want a bathtub like that, bubbles or no bubbles. Looks wonderful!
8/17/2007 09:31:00 AM<< Home