
We close on the house Tuesday. Almost time! I'm ready to move.
I haven't really got much to say.
My new glasses from www.zennioptical.com came in the other day. Pictures will come soon. I got a blue and orange pair and a green and black pair. I'm very happy with them, and I'll rave more when I have a little more energy to spare. Thanks to Christa for turning me on to them.
Back to work. (Still got some freelance irons in the fire.)
Pictures of my new glasses!...
Labels: general, house
posted by Jennifer at 7/22/2007 11:47:00 AM
I saw your comments on Myspace -- I was going to hollah back atcha, but my computer is being a bastard.
7/24/2007 09:12:00 AMI freaking LOVE. THEM. I just might have to copy you and get those green and black -- they look fabulous!
And, it's Tuesday! Wheee! :)
Lovely specs. Mine are a similar shape, but brown on the outside and blue on the inside, like mocha floating on curacao.
7/26/2007 12:49:00 PMAs I always share cat stories with you, here's a lovely one from the BBC: nursing home cat Oscar can predict when patients are going to die.
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