
Life is treating me well.
I've been keeping busy.
There is a snuggly orange Malley Cat sitting next to me.
Kitty sniffed my butt today when I got out of the bath.
Osiris still enjoys closing himself in the bathroom.
My eyebrows need plucking.
My WarCrack (World of WarCraft) character is level 51 now.
Darrell will be through working Madame Butterfly tomorrow.
I used my Epilady tonight.
Never epilate your underarms.
I sang in the tub this evening.
Kathy and I drew a pouty bird figurine Thursday night.
I was pleased with a press check this morning.
Yoga made my wrist hurt today.
I need to be doing the dishes instead of futzing around.
I paid my first quarterly estimated tax payment Thursday.
I might go shopping for a drawing lamp tomorrow.
My checking account is having hunger pains.
I ate vegetarian baked beans for dinner.
I would like to go to bed and read now.
I'm going to wash the dishes instead.
I hope you are all doing well.Labels: general
posted by Jennifer at 4/14/2007 07:58:00 PM
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