
Someone, please tell my cat I am NOT into watersports. No, not that kind of watersports. Get your mind out of the gutter... Although, Osiris does like to urinate on me sometimes. But that's another story for another day.
Today, I'm talking about O'Malley, the orange cat.
As I was laying in the bed being lazy this morning, trying desperately to stay asleep instead of waking up, I heard a scratching sound at the headboard of the bed. Before it fully registered with me what it was, I was suddenly splashed. With water. From a jar of water on the headboard. That my cat knocked over onto me.
Granted, most of it got on Darrell's pillow and the bed. But still. I hate being splashed with water. And I most certainly hate being awakened by water on my head.
Ah, well. At least I wasn't having a pee dream.Labels: pets
posted by Jennifer at 10/04/2006 08:15:00 AM
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