
I've been sick since April. And I'm tired of it. My lymph nodes in my neck have been swollen and painful, and I've had a sore throat and itchy left inner ear. So, just last night, felt extra soreness in my throat, and I got the bright idea to grab a flashlight and take a peek inside. Big mistake. I have sores on my tonsils. Big sores. Oozing sores. So, now I'm panicking.
It looks like my tonsils are going to totally FALL OFF. Or my lymph nodes will explode. Or my throat will rot off. And I'll DIE. I'm not sure which will happen first.
I keep looking up pictures of tonsillitis and abscesses and such online. I can't help myself. I'm obsessed.
And, of course, I never got insurance after I quit my job in January. How bright am I?
I think I'll go to bed and try to forget about it.Labels: whining
posted by Jennifer at 6/07/2006 07:39:00 PM
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