
My Weekend at the Fair
by Jennifer W.K.
This weekend, I went to the Bell Buckle Craft Fair with my sister-in-law Kristine, her business partner Kerri, and Kerri's sister Krista.
Friday night, we had to get the products ready over at Kerri's house. I was up till 2:00 a.m., ate very little, labeled hundreds of products for Kristine and Kerri, and slept like a baby for a whole 5 hours.
Saturday, I was awakened at 7:00 a.m. by having the covers pulled off me and Krista's small Maltese dog licking me in the face. We packed up the trucks and headed down to Bell Buckle. Upon arrival, we set up the booth, and life was good. I filled out invoices, ate curly potatoes, strung some bracelets, got the kids in the booth across from us to paint monkeys on my hands, and got some reading done at the end of the day. We packed up and got home by 7:00 p.m. I ate biscuits and fake sausage for dinner (my first substantial meal in over 24 hours), and crashed.
Sunday, I headed down to lovely Bell Buckle again, but this time with my friend Katherina. We didn't have to help set up or take down, so life was good. We gave out product samples (home-made doggie treats) to dogs, petted sugar gliders, talked to a lady about goats (I love goats!), and helped out at the booth a little. I bought a kid's painting that benefitted the Humane Society and a wallet made from Kool-Aid packets. Katherina bought a Halloween accessory for her pug Conan. I ate Chinese food for lunch and Cracker Barrel for dinner.
And I'm pooped.
The End.Labels: stories
posted by Jennifer at 10/17/2005 10:08:00 AM
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