
I'm feeling very small today. Mamacita came home from the vet last night, and was not happy to find her babies gone, along with her female organs. Listening to her yeowling for her babies all the way home and once she got home made me remember how sweet she was with her babies. The suckling, playing, washing.. it all was so natural and nice. Then, I stepped in and distrupted the whole process, scattering her babies and having her spayed. Just who do I think I am? Logically, I did the right thing, but it feels so unnatural and wrong. If caring so much about this little sad Mama kitty makes me a Crazy Cat Lady, then so be it.. but I just can't get her crying out of my head.
Maybe I can identify with her a little too much.
posted by Jennifer at 9/23/2004 08:36:00 AM
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