
Sometimes I busy myself enough with trivial things that I don't know what to do with myself when I slow down. My mind starts to busy itself by rummaging through and dusting off things that normally sit undisturbed in my mental closet, and I don't always care for some of the things it finds. I think it's time to start a new tradition of throwing things out in the Fall instead of hoarding them for the Winter.
But on a sunny note, it's a beautiful day, and my kittens have homes. See below for photos of my mother with her new baby Leo and of Tiffany's kitten. They're from the latest litter. And Banshee is from Mamacita's first litter back in April/May. She's happily sitting in Poppy's lap. Happy kitties make me happy.
posted by Jennifer at 9/22/2004 11:07:00 AM
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