
My favorite jeans from high school are going to the Goodwill. I bid them a fond fare-thee-well... ah, good times, not-so-good times, and everything in between. *sigh*
I acquired these jeans from "closet shopping" in my brother's closet one day while he was away. I'm not certain, but I think I swiped 'em at the beginning of my Senior year while Christopher was away at Tennessee Tech. I figured if he left them at home, he must not have wanted them... but he still holds a little grudge about it to this day. I doubt he'd want them back now, seeing as how I wore several sets of holes in them. Not to mention the glittery belt loops and butterflies. :^)
Labels: photos
posted by Jennifer at 1/12/2007 11:19:00 AM
*wipes a tear* Bye, jeans. You were obviously well-loved.
1/12/2007 09:08:00 PMHey Jennifer,
1/13/2007 11:50:00 AMNot sure if I'm too late, but I recently abandoned and shut down my blog. Within 2 hours of giving up my web address, a porn site swooped in and took it. Had no idea until my wife told me about it.
So...sorry if you stumbled into something unexpected whilst visiting.
Take care!
They were indeed well-loved. *sigh* Darrell pitched an old pair of sneakers last night whilst whistling Taps. It was sad, too.
1/15/2007 08:06:00 AMDJS: You'll be missed! I did accidentally stumble onto your site via Bloglines. (It told me there was a new post, and I was thinking, "Oooh, new post!") Silly porn people. s'okay, though. I know how they are. Thanks for the apologies, though! I hope to "see" you around.
I just threw mine out. 16 years old, those jeans were.. and every penny I spent was worth every rip, tear, shred, fray and wear. Sad, isn't it.
1/15/2007 11:29:00 AMThere should be a special ceremony or something.
Hmmm.. come to think of it.. I still have them in the garbage bag, outside.. maybe I will make up a little ceremony.
What could it be, though...
I feel ya, Jen.
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