
Ben Folds is amazing.
I stay focused on details
it keeps me from feeling the big things
but watch the microscope long enough
things that seem still are still changing
Still (reprise)Labels: self-assessment
posted by Jennifer at 6/08/2006 11:42:00 AM
Agreed. I've seen him once with the Five (at the Royal Albert Hall, no less) and twice as himself. Got all the CDs, some singles and other assorted merchandise, and I'm always checking his sites and sites related to him. But I would not say I was a fan. (Steven Wright joke there.)
6/09/2006 03:20:00 AMIn audience participation, I'm always a trumpet during ARMY for some reason, but I switch registers a lot during NOT THE SAME.
And his Dr Dre cover had me on the floor.
[PS AKA's ended his blog! No more "Sucker Punch" - it's all over!]
I've been to three Ben-only shows... twice toward stage left and once toward stage right... so I've gotten a little different parts singing. (Not sure which part is the trumpets... badaba or badababababa... hehehe)
6/09/2006 09:59:00 AMI LOVE it when he does Narcolepsy live. It's amazing.
PS: I heard. And I'm sad. But I'm looking forward to what's to come for him. He rocks.
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